Archive for the ‘Moon Musings’ Category


Sunday, July 21st, 2019

MoonChild by ChloeJPoetry

There isn’t a man in the moon,
there’s a little child,
and it is so sweet and round
that people just want to squish its cheeks.
So it shrinks and it shrinks and it shrinks
to escape the pinches
till there is only a sliver left.
Then the people look away.
So the moon grows and grows and grows again,
giggling with glee,
till it is full and fat
and the people
can’t help but grab its cheeks again.


On the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing, 20th July, 1969

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

It seems we’re in the gutter now,
but some of us have looked at stars,
and aimed beyond humanity’s dreams.
They reached the moon, and found somehow
its dust and rock and cosmic scars
meant more than just young lovers’ beams –

they saw earthrise, and showed us all
this fragile bauble, wrapped in lace,
and it began – our quest to find
salvation for our tiny ball,
a future for the human race
and all that lives; a whole, entwined.

And now, trapped in a carbon tent
where microplastics choke the sea
and particles condemn the air,
remember this: that once we went
where we thought we would never be,
and came back safe. Forget despair.

Brenda Read-Brown

Dreams the Fail

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

When dreams fail
The stars fall like crushed diamons
Once they had spun as cogs
Nestled together in intracate dance
Now they lay as puddles of loathing
And we consume their flesh
Gorging on insignifigances
Lapping up the pain
Blinking at the luster light
We grow sharp and hard
Adimantian Kings Imperial and cold

Mary the Canary

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

Mary a little girl who likes to be called
The Berry
Thinks she’s a canary and sings both night and day
She churps to the sun
and then to the moon
Hoping the others will wake real soon
She has a story she’d like to tell
About adventures and magic spells
Of the castle that is the House of play pen
And how she learnt how to count to ten
Maybe with a missing number it’s true
But she knows it starts with one and then theres…
Mary The Berry can sing real loud
Conjuring up rainbow clouds
Her sister stirs in her sleep
But bearly opens an eye to peep
She wont get up and play
Not until it’s day light anyway
So until the time is such
Mary will sing and chatter and tell so much
To the cuddle friends that live in her cot
There are lots and lots and lots
And they will listen happily for hours
About how she rescued them all using glittery super powers

by Saffy

Calling the Ice Queen

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

Calling the ice queen
Invoking the winters heart
knowing the sting
of frost upon lash and cheek
Numb toes
Wading wading
Through the snow
That fell and drifted
And glinted
Sometimes blue
Other times pink
Often with yellow ambers glint
But mainly grey
To match the sky
Except when it bruises
And Blizzard is on her way
To cover all
Until a blue sky
Scudded with fluff
Turning snow
To melts
That rush and gush and flood
Or flash freeze at the edge of night
Glass hard skating rink
Unseen and unknown
Cherish the scars it leaves
and know
you are lucky
kiss a fractal dream
drifting beautifully
And perfect to the dirty ground
A wind is sharp
Cuts and slices
The teeth of ice grow
Glacial times
Wrapped and warped
kiss the crystal
Love the queen
See the purple stars
And the white drops grow
Winter’s Blooms
It’s beauty harshness
Cuddle up to bring warmth
Waiting cacooned
For the defrost
When she may ride
Free to dance with the stars
In the deeps
Of our lonely galatic skies
In the end
The cold is all that will remain
A frozen moment
At the end of time

Close Encounter

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

Jason couldn’t stop thinking about the man
He was tall, grey, glowing and scary
But he would never forget the energy scan

On waking, Jason was struck by a plan
He had to flee as the situation was bad, very
Jason couldn’t stop thinking about the man

Later, Jason was spooked by visions of Saturn
His imagination had become interplanetary
But he would never forget the energy scan

Jason’s consciousness expanded as he ran
His mind had become uncontrollably arbitrary
Jason couldn’t stop thinking about the man

Jason’s ideas stacked like an endless caravan
Thoughts burned inside like a toxic dictionary
But he would never forget the energy scan

Jason nosedived into a time warp like a forgetful clam
His otherworldly destination felt dangerously necessary
Jason couldn’t stop thinking about the man
But he would never forget the energy scan.

By Jason Conway

The Tower

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

There was a tower
within the tower
fractal within
Models without
Nested ideas
Realities bloom
Stars seen
Astronomy folly
Lonely on the hill
Pregnant with itself
Do you
Paint, drawn, write

There was a tower
within a tower
Modelled in the tower
and so on and on
Outside a sheep bleats
And the lightning conductor
Numbers and stitch
Craft and design
Inovations rule
Old and new

The tower
within the tower
Is a little worse for wear
So is the viewer
And the within is without
Fractal nature
Learning at school
Will the tower
within the tower
Grow some day?
New Follies
Old follies
Seemed like
A good idea

The Tower
There are never really
bad ideas
Just different to the plan
A universe
Not bounded
Though it often seems
That way
A tower within
And one
One without

By Saffy

7 billion

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

7 billion minds encoding the rhthym of life
7 billion awarenesses all wired roughly along the same lines
7 billion idea sharers, pattern seeking minds that search
7 billion lives beautifully unique
7 billion hearts to feel, love… hate
7 billion hungers – some needs, some wants
7 billion people
1 is me – another is you
7 billion potential soar
A sea of blinding thought
Carrying the wave of intent
Now to space, now to the deeps
Or to carry us out of the existence
Singularity is coming
Racing on the crest of population expansion

Moon Phase

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

Moon Phase Tish

I am of a blood red moon,
in the month of my woman
I am a howling she,
A praise be.

I am wolf and moon and blood,
I am of bitter truths and lunacy,
I am of wide-eyed raptures,
Finger tapping on white glass
And reflections on past,
When I call her.

She answers in her early rise,
Dinner-plated eye sized,
Remains, when sun adjoins again
At morning break,
She is glorious and stays.

She is holy and revered,
By all in love,
And lightened at the blackened pitch,
A candle in ginormous wick,
And wax and wane,
The fact remains,
She nightly nurses us all to health.

A Poem by Tish Camp ( c ) 2019

The Girls Room

Sunday, July 21st, 2019

Mary and Jean’s room is such a mess
You can’t see the floor
As they have so many toys
Toys they have galore!
There are teddies, dollies
cars and trains
and don’t forget the spacecraft
and the planes!

There’s coloured blocks
buried beneath bar sheep socks
And Jean’s collection of interesting rocks
There are soft blankets to snug
Iridescent glow in the dark slugs
Dragons and monsters and more
All stuck as stickers upon the door
Plus a papier mache castle – cor!

There are dinosaurs and tigers,
butterflies and flowers
Dress up cloaks to give them super powers
A clock with brightly coloured cogs
Floppy cuddly big eared dogs
Not to mention the jumping frogs
The scattered board games
And a computer that has been tamed
A picture of a black bird framed on the wall
Books full of adventures cascade
And then as the day light fads
Two explorers find sleep hard to evade
Curled up in dozy dreams
Within a time machine
Made of blankets and bunk bed beams
It’s time for snoozing and some epic dreams!